Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Never Underestimate the Importance of Body Language

My favorite topic to discuss about is Body Language! As a research assistant who studies facial expressions, smiles and emotions on a regular basis, body language is always on my mind.  I can never turn off my Sherlock Holmes Deduction mindset (maybe that is a little bit of a stretch, but you get the idea. It is a blessing and a curse).

Body language is a powerful tool and it is often overlooked in everyday conversations. 90% of our daily interactions with people is nonverbal, but we tend to focus on the other 10%: the verbal cues. Bottom Line: Actions really do speak louder than words. It is not what you say, but how you say it! Nonverbal communication tells us whether a person is super attracted to you, lies to you, hates your guts, or finds you boring.  Pretty cool right?  For this post though, I will be focusing on attraction body language in guys. (I will mention attraction body language in girls for my next post)

Fun fact: While girls display as many as 52 signals of attraction, guys only show around 10.  Let's dive right in, shall we? Proceed with caution: Like any diagnosis, you need to look for several signs, not just one.  

Lets continue.... here are some of the body language signs a guy is attracted to you:

1) The Superman pose (hands on hips to display dominance, think Gaston from Beauty and the Beast) This pose says "Im a confident man and you should be with me".
2) Crotch Display (yep, guys will spread their legs as far as they can to show off their goods)
3) Pupil Dilation/ Eye contact. Be careful with this one, if you are in a dark setting, his eyes will naturally dilate. However, if you are in bright light, and his eyes are dilated, he likes what he sees!
4) Smiling (Obviously, especially if it is a Duchenne Smile, aka the genuine smile :) )
5) Running his hands through his hair (Girls, you know this move. We do it too. Works like a charm!)
6) Look at his feet: If his feet point towards you, this is a good sign. Feet tell us where the mind and body wants to go. This is important! Be on the Lookout!
7) Fidgeting with his clothes, hands, feet, and objects. Example: If a guy is touching his wine glass, this means his body is "leaking", which means whatever he does to that object, he wants to do with you! (scandalous)
8) His personality changes. For example, if he is a more outgoing person, but gets suddenly very quiet around you-this means he definitely has feelings for you, and vice versa.
9) Excessive touching of the face: This means he is trying to pacify his behavior around you because you make him nervous!
10) Finally, if he lowers his voice around you. This is because lower voices are associated with higher testosterone levels, which are associated with having a better libido, which girls find that very attractive.

So now that you have a taste of what signals to take notice of,  try it out on strangers, classmates, or your friends.  Reading people, like anything, takes practice and patience, but it is a super, great skill to have and will give you the upper hand in life.  In the words of Ursula from the Little Mermaid, "Never Understimate the Importance of Body Language." 

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