Saturday, January 30, 2016

All Signs Point to Yes: Her Body Language Says It All

"Would you look at that body language? Legs crossed towards each other. That is an unequivocal sex invite."-Cher from Clueless

 So you have been eyeing that cutie in your lecture, but you have no idea if she likes you? Well, fear no more! Here is a list of body language signs that signal attraction:

1) Pupil Dilation: When a girl likes her view, her eyes will dilate. Take note, eyes naturally dilate in dark settings. Watch more so during the daytime.
2) Crossing and Uncrossing Legs: She is trying to draw your attention to her legs. This is a very sexy and eye catching move.
3) Higher Pitch: When a girl likes the person she is talking to, her voice will go higher in pitch. This is because men are more attracted to higher pitches because it signals youth and fertility.
4) Tilting of the head: This means she is listening to what you are saying, and by doing so, she is exposing her neck, which is a vulnerable part of the body
5) Playing with hair/jewelry: It is her way of releasing nerves. If you see increased fidgeting, that means you make her nervous! Good Job!!!
6) Smiling: This is the most obvious form of a girl liking a person, especially when it is paired with intense eye contact. You know what they say, eyes are the window to the soul. It is true!
7) Puffing of the chest: This is self explanatory. A girl will stand up straight and puff out her chest to show off her assets. What guy wouldn't notice that?!
8) Fast Blinking Rate: Seeing your crush stimulates your nervous system, causing to elevate your heart rate and blink rate. Look for rapid and increase in blinking.
9) Upturned Palms: Along with the wrist display, this is also an inviting signal. She feels comfortable around you.
10) Leans in closer:  if a girl leans towards you. If she leans in, she wants to make the moment more intimate. or gravity is getting stronger...
11) Pointing of the feet and torso: Like men, women's feet and torso point to where the mind wanders. So if you are across the room at a bar and she is pointing her lower half to you, she is feeling the sexual tension.
12) Gets Physical: Any time she touches your arm, leg, or body part, this says she wants to get closer. She wants to get physical, let her hear your body talk!
13)  Preening: This includes, but not limited to: Fixing hair, clothes, jewelry, etc.
14) Tight Legs: Pressing legs together to show off high muscle tone. Showing off those gym legs like a boss
15) Facial Pedestal-A girl will rest her head on her hands (the hands being a pedestal) so you can admire and worship her lovely face.
16) Hips Dont Lie: A girl will lean on one part of her body, so her hips protrude to show off her curves.
17) Wrist Display: This is a vulnerable body part on a woman. If she exposes her wrist to you, this means she thinks highly of you and is comfortable.
18) Touching of the face-When aroused, faces become increasingly sensitive to touch, which causes women to touch their face more.
19) Puckering/Licking lips: When girls are nervous, their lips dry faster causing them to reapply their chapstick and pucker.
20) Stroking an object: If she is stroking an object, like a wine glass, pencil, cigarette (a phallic object if you will) Sex is on this women's mind. Her body is leaking sexual thoughts, possibly 50 Shades of Grey...
21) Mirroring speed, tone of voice, and body language: when a girl likes someone, she will mimic her crush's behavior. When you lean in, she will lean in etc. Mimicry is truly  the sincerest form of flattery.
22) Nervous fidgeting: If she can't sit still, she is trying to pacify her behavior and trying to hide her feelings.
23) Extra giggling: If she is laughing at your jokes or commentary more than usual, it is a sign that she likes you or you are just down right hilarious. Either way, its a good sign!
24) Raising of the eyebrows: This sign says "Hey, you intrigue me. I like what I see. Come hither"
25) "Accidental" bumping: She wants to signal your attention and bumping does just that.

Remember, there needs to be multiple signs not just one, as this can be just a sign of friendliness. I hope this article will help you muster up the courage to ask your crush out. Valentine's Day is around the corner, so go get her tiger!

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