Thursday, March 24, 2016

Are you a Magnet? Because You're so Attractive: The Benefits of Being Good Looking

"I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is"-Derek Zoolander. 

 Derek Zoolander couldn't be more accurate in terms of how physical appearance matters so much  in today's world. Physical attractiveness influences family dynamics,  courtroom decisions, interviews, elections, friendships, and how teachers/professors view a student!

Here are some fun facts about how attractiveness can help people in the long run:

  • Attractive children are perceived as smarter, friendlier, more trustworthy, more likable, and are associated with positive attributes. 
  • Nurses and mothers spend the most time with the good looking babies and devote less time to the premature babies
  • The more beautiful child will more likely get away with bad behavior than the "uglier" sibling.  
  • Teachers expect their good looking students to have a higher grade in class. Teachers will focus and pay more attention to these students because they think have more potential (In other words, teacher's pet). 
  • Attractive people are much more likely to be promoted and have a bigger salary over average joes.  Ex: A gorgeous waitress or bartender will receive larger tips because a man wants to impress her. (i.e. Hooter Girls do well in tips) 
  • Looking good is associated with being viewed as healthier and are generally healthier compared to less attractive counterparts. 
  • Why do you think Kennedy and Clinton won the election? Both are good looking guys and good looking people come off more persuasive!
  • Good looking defendants are less likely to be convicted and suffer less severe punishment than unattractive defendants

What are you waiting for? Go work out, eat right, and stay beautiful-both on the inside and outside! ;)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Let's Face It: How To Read Facial Expressions

3 Different Smiles
1) Dominant Smiles
Donald Trump masters the dominant smile like no other. These smiles are used commonly in situations where a person wants to take control and seize up their opponent. Trump's facial expression says "Don't push me,  I can make your life unpleasant".  You can tell its a dominant smile because the upper righthand corner of his mouth is upturned, but Trump isn't the only one guilty of this. In fact,  this expression is commonly used by politicians. Can you see why? It's intimidating! 

2) Affiliative Smiles

The Affiliative Smile, aka the smile you give to strangers, when you don't want to appear rude or come off unapproachable . Everyone has done this smile at some point in their life, whether it be on your way to class, work, or running errands. This is when both corners of your mouth form a closed, tight lipped smile, as shown in the picture below.

3) Enjoyment Smiles

This is my favorite type of smile and the most well known by far: the Duchenne Smile. The Duchenne Smile is a genuine smile. Here are the signs of a genuine smile: 1) Raised Cheeks 2) Teeth showing 3) Corners of mouth pulled back which are controlled by the zygomatic muscles 4) Crows Feet, which is the slight crinkle that happens when the orbicularis oculi muscles are activated. 5) The Nasolabial folds also known as "smile lines" which separate the cheeks from the upper lip.

There you have it, you are that much closer to being a body language expert!