Thursday, April 7, 2016

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire: How to Detect Lies

Wondering if someone is lying to you? Well, wonder no more! Here are 10 body language signs to look out for in liars!

1.  Covering their mouth- unconsciously when lying, humans will try to cover their mouth almost like they are trying to prevent themselves from slipping up!

2.  Intense eye contact- we are told from an earlier age that liars don't make eye contact, so we try to make up for it by glaring into another persons eyes when lying.

3.  Not using contractions- For example, if a person says "I did not eat the slice of cake" and  the other person says I didn't eat the slice of cake. Most likely, the person who broke up the contraction is the one lying. The reason being is they are trying to stress and overcompensate the lie.

4. Repetition- Think back to a time when you received a terrible gift. Okay got the gift in mind? Do you notice when people do not like their gift they repeat what the item is? For example, your aunt gives you a sweater for the holidays, and you say "Oh a sweater, I love it".  In the words of Maury Povich, "The lie detector determined that was a lie"

5. Not using hand motions- when people make up a story, it is all brain power and no body movement. They will most likely stand still when telling a lie. 

6. Pausing- This is a brief hesitation and a delayed response to a question. Most people should be able to respond rather quickly when they are telling the truth.

7. Words don't match body movements- For example, if you say, "Mom, I did not eat the cake", but obviously did because who doesn't like cake? On a subconscious level your head will shake yes, indicating that you did eat the cake and you are a rotten liar.

8. Hiding eyes- when we see a view or hear something we don't enjoy being discussed, we cover our eyes. This gesture signals "I can't bare to see it".

9. Touching of the face- when we are nervous, we tend to try to cool down and pacify our behavior. By touching our faces, we are trying to remain calm during pressure. 

10.Sweating- If a person starts sweating when asked a question, you know they are lying! If they can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen!

So now you will know what your friend really thinks of your "great" haircut!